February Schmoozer 2017


Join our February Schmoozer on Thursday, February 16th from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at The Ritz Prime Seafood Restaurant,  2801 W. Coast Hwy, Newport Beach 92663.  Come mingle with other young professionals in the area that are looking to network and give back to the local community. While this event is free, we are asking for members and attendees to bring gift cards (Target, Walmart, Kohl's, Visa gift cards, etc) to benefit our charity sponsor Youth Employment Services (YES).


February Charity Partner



YES is a nonprofit based out of Orange County that aims to teach young adults ages 16-24 the skills needed to secure and maintain meaningful employment. They also offer programs that help young people improve their employability, career choices and quality of life. 








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February 16, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8pm
The Ritz Prime Seafood Restaurant
2801 W Coast Hwy
Newport Beach, CA 92663
United States
Google map and directions
Michael Mena Donald Hateley Cheyenne Schneider Geoff Hooker John Samuelson Pam Ward jennifer yi Salina Rahim Danielle Hamra Shawn Taroc Karen Aquila lauren berneking gina patzkowski veronica hernandez Jacob Vandenburg Estelle Collins Alissa Riche Alan Van De Vort Cathleen O'Reilly Garrett Moberg Grant Still austin wilemon Lisa Lawn Brent Causey Chris Delfs Zesanne Racasa Katherine Krohn Ginny Cuccia Peter Fong Maryam Meschi Mereditj Johnson iris partovi Deborah Linden Bryan Johnson Shirley Lin Renee Samuelson Christine Sanchez Matthew Hsu Michael Hinderberger Raymond Thu Andrea Gayton-Jacob Jim Nguyen Nick Koehler Vince Unan Michael Amaro Alexandra Robinson Wendy Castellanos Jason Chacon

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