Join us for our first event of 2016! The January Schmoozer will take place on Thursday, January 21st from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach. Come mingle with other leading young professionals in the area that are looking to network and give back to the local community. Please note that admission is free with a donation to our charity partner. It will be a wonderful evening for a great cause, so please mark your calendar and invite a friend. We look forward to seeing you soon.
January Charity Partner
Working Wardrobes is an organization that works to empower men, women, veterans and young adults overcoming difficult challenges to confidently enter the workforce and achieve success. They help get clients workforce ready by participating in career training, job placement assistance and professional wardrobe services in an environment of dignity and respect.
YES is a nonprofit based out of Orange County that aims to teach youth and young adults ages 16-24 the skills needed to secure and maintain meaningful employment. They also offer programs that help young people improve their employability, career choices and quality of life.
For this charity, we ask our members to bring gently-used professional clothing and accessories
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